Psychiatry in Chapters

  1. Psychiatry 1
  2. Psychiatry 2 
  3. Psychiatry 3 
  4. Psychiatry 4
  5. Psychiatry 5
  6. Psychiatry 6
  7. Psychiatry 7
  8. Psychiatry 8
  9. Psychiatry 9
  10. Psychiatry 10
  11. Psychiatry 11
  12. Psychiatry 12
  13. Psychiatry 13
  14. Psychiatry 14
  15. Psychiatry 15

Psychiatry Lecture Course

  1. Health psychology
  2. Sleep
  3. Psychopathology
  4. Health behaviors
  5. Stress and health
  6. Genetics and Human Behavior
  7. Personality & Medical Illness
  8. Psychotic Disorders
  9. Aging And Grief
  10. Neurosis
  11. Somatoform Disorders
  12. Personality disorders
  13. Behaviour Change Theories
  14. Delirium & Dementia 3rd yr JUST
  15. Mood Disorders

Internal Medicine Lectures

  1. ACS
  2. Acid Base Disorders
  3. Acute Renal Failure
  4. Acute coronary syndromes
  5. Adrenal Gland
  6. Anemia
  7. Anterior pituitary hormone overproduction
  8. Asthma
  9. Behcets disease
  10. Bronchiectasis
  11. Bronchogenic Carcinoma-lung cancer
  12. COPD
  13. Cardiomyopathy
  14. Diabetes Mellitus
  15. Diabetic complication

Summarized Lectures in Obstetrics

  1. Abortion
  2. Amenorrhoea
  3. Anaemia in Pregnancy
  4. Antenatal Care
  5. Antepartum Haemorrhage
  6. DM Pregnancy
  7. DUB
  8. Ectopic Pregnancy
  9. Endometriosis
  10. Fibroids
  11. Genital Prolapse
  12. Gestational Trophoblastic Neop
  13. Hypertensive Disorders of Preg
  14. Infertility Management ART
  15. Malignant Lesions of Uterus

General Surgery Topics

  1. Acute Pancreatitis
  2. Acute abdominal pain in children
  3. Anorectal Malformations
  4. Appendicitis During Pregnancy
  5. Appendix
  6. BPH
  7. Burns
  8. Bleeding In Surgery
  9. Colorectal Cancer
  10. Cysts
  11. Diverticulosis
  12. Esophageal Carcinoma
  13. Fistulas
  14. Fluid & Electrolytes
  15. Gastric Carcinoma

Obstetrics Collection

  1. Anatomy of the female bony pelvis and fetal  
  2. Antenatal fetal monitoring       
  3. Cesarean section          
  4. Congenital malformations of the         
  5. Contraception  
  6. Diabetes in pregnancy 
  7. Dysmenorrhea 
  8. Embryology of the genital tract           
  9. History taking in obgyn           
  10. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy   
  11. Infertilitty        
  12. Instrumental deliveries
  13. Intersexuality  
  14. IGUR and iufd   
  15. Management of labour

Histology Lab Guides

Anesthesia in Obstetrics

  1. Antepartum Hemorrhage 
  2. Complications of Regional Anesthesia in Obstetrics  
  3. Non-Obstetric Surgery During Labor
  4. Obstetric Emergencies 
  5. Physiology of Pregnancy 
  6. Postpartum Hemmorhage
  7. Postpartum Hemmorhage2
  8. Preterm Labor and Delivery 
  9. The Obese Parturient 
  10. Uterine Blood Flow 
  11. Informed Consent in Obstetric Anesthesia 
  12. Labor Epidural 
  13. Neuraxial Opiods 
  14. OB-LEA-Manefment of labor epidural
  15. PDPH-(Post dural puncture headache)

Lectures in Endocrinology

  1. Endocrine glands anatomy
  2. Endocrine physiology
  3. Endocrine physiology (summarized)
  4. Body temperature
  5. Metabolism
  6. Intro to Endo and Hypothalamus and Pituitary
  7. Hypothalamus and Pituitary
  8. Antidiuretic hormone and mineralcorticoids
  9. Calcium Homeostasis
  10. Cushing syndrome
  11. Hypothyroidism
  12. Hypothyroidism 2
  13. Hyperthyroidism
  14. Diabetes Mellitus type 1
  15. Diabetes Mellitus type 2

Ophthalmology Lecture Notes

  2. Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis (VKC)
  3. PKC
  4. Conjunctival Degeneration
  5. Diseases of Conjunctiva
  6. Ptosis
  7. Intra-ocular Tumours
  8. Lens Introduction
  9. Congenital Cataract
  10. Acquired Cataract
  11. Cataract Management
  12. Aphakia
  13. Clinical Cases
  14. Examination of Eye
  15. Drugs